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switcher mortgage

Top Tips For Getting Mortgage Ready

People often come to us with a mindset that getting mortgage approval is next to impossible, and that their application will be turned down if they are buying coffee every day or going on nights out etc. This isn't the case. Lenders are open for business and eager for new customers, but there are some

By |2024-05-29T15:18:53+00:00December 2nd, 2021|Mortgages|Comments Off on Top Tips For Getting Mortgage Ready

Switcher Mortgages in Ireland

SWITCHER MORTGAGES What is a switcher mortgage, Why would I switch and How do I switch?.... All questions that as a mortgage broker we hear on a regular basis. While financial jargon terrifies most people, Switcher Mortgages are nothing to be scared of. In fact they are great for an awful lot of home owners.

By |2021-11-29T10:32:08+00:00November 26th, 2021|Mortgages|Comments Off on Switcher Mortgages in Ireland
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